For Corporates

As a Global Leadership Coach, I partner with organizations to:

Why Work with Coach Saloni

I am passionate about enabling leaders to lead with clarity by harnessing the power of self-awareness and motivation. My solutions help leaders to understand their strengths and values, define purpose-driven goals, and maximize their impact.

I start by understanding desired leadership behaviours in your organization and aligning my process to your culture. My data-driven needs analysis, culture alignment, and key stakeholder involvement ensures a successful engagement.

What's in It for You

Stakeholder Involvement for Sustainable Support

Alignment with Organizational Values

Data-Driven Leadership Needs Assessment

Multi-Cultural Expertise & International Approach

Personalized & Flexible Solutions for Greater Impact

Amazon selected Saloni from hundreds of potential international collaborators, because of her competence, authenticity, and a highly ethical mindset. Saloni immediately understood our customers’ critical needs and earned the trust of our senior leaders. She enabled the programme team to deliver results well above our expectations. Participating leaders rated the global group coaching program at 98.25% for overall experience favorability.

Alexandra Bertea

Manager L&D at Amazon


Leadership Coaching

Solutions for global leaders to accelerate growth and maximize impact

Executive Assessments

Data-driven approach to talent decision making for selection and development


Initiatives to attract, retain, and accelerate development of high potential leaders 

Training Design and Facilitation

Customized learning solutions designed and delivered through engaging facilitation

Leadership Coaching Solutions

Level 1


Gain insights into your leadership strengths, blind-spots and values

Level 2


Accelerate your development with a personalized plan and resources

Level 3


Maximize your leadership impact and credibility with key stakeholders

Level 1


Enhance your self-awareness with a leadership personality assessment and insights to enhance your effectiveness.

What you can expect:

Level 2


Understand your leadership personality traits, clarify your goals and create a personalized plan to accelerate your career growth.

What you can expect:

Level 3


Maximize your leadership impact supported by a personality assessment, a 360-degree feedback survey, and a customized toolkit structured for your needs.

What you can expect:

To Identify the Ideal Package, Book a Free Discovery Session Now

Executive Assessments

Leadership tests are powerful instruments for development and provide valuable insights into a leader’s strengths, potential derailers, core values, and cultural fit. They offer the organization a data-driven approach for talent decision making in both executive development and selection. Assessments I offer include:

Talent Consulting

Design and implement initiatives to attract, retain, and accelerate development of talent, such as success profiles, high potential programs, executive assessments and development.

Training Design and Facilitation

Customized learning solutions are designed to meet your unique training needs. With highly effective facilitation and engaging sessions, I work with leaders and their teams to upgrade desired skills and build cultural awareness.

A Coaching Approach that Aligns with Your Company Culture

Develop self-aware, motivated, and dynamic leaders to lead confidently through uncertain times.